Team Elite Running
Team GB Marathon
Team Elite Running is an online company founded by two current elite British marathon runners; 2.25 Marathoner Lily Partridge and Olympian Marathoner Ben Connor. It was created to provide coaching, knowledge and elite level access to everyday runners at all levels.
Team's Product is...
We started exploring Edge when I (Lily) was struggling to recover after the Olympic Marathon Trials. Through Edge analysis it was discovered that my cortisol and testosterone levels had crashed. This signalled to me that I had gone over the edge and needed rest. I tested again 4 months later after a much-needed break and my levels had returned to a healthy level. Ben also had testing done post Olympics as he was struggling to return and knew something wasn’t right. It was good to get clarity and to understand our physical health in finer detail.
Lily and Ben are both professional marathon runners for Great Britain, Adidas & NB Respectively. Ben recently became a member of Team GB and competed at the Tokyo Olympic Games. They both started running at school and then moved through the club age group system before taking different routes. Ben accepted a scholarship to study and train in the US at Providence College, RI and Lily stayed in the UK system and made successive age group Great Britain Teams through to senior level. They have both now moved to the marathon distance (Lily in 2017 finishing 4th in the Seville Marathon running a 2.32 debut, Ben in 2020 running a 2.11.20 debut at London Marathon). Team Elite Running started in November 2020 in response to the announcement of lockdown to provide support and give back to runners. Elite Running is a team of runners whom Lily and Ben coach personally and a wider community of runners where they provide some elite experience and access to information that they felt was missing for everyday runners.
Ben is using our Male Runner Test whilst Lily is using both our Female Runner and MyFORM® female hormone mapping to learn more about their hormones, key biomarkers and how this can help monitor health and training load.
Blood test for
Male & Female Tests
sports doctor review
Results in 2 working days
Flexible subscription
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